Operation Take Back
Follow the Rule – or else!
Enforcing the Provisions of the
British North America Act, 1867 - Enactment no. 1.
(Never Forget - The Rules RULE!)
Do you want to know what is so amazing? So busy are we, defending ourselves against the rules (until we finally rebel against the rules), it never seems to occur to us that applying the rules works both ways…
As of today, all 3 branches of the governments of Canada, at both levels, are each, in some part, in de facto possession of the sovereign power of Canada — power which should be born and come from the Britsh North America Act, 1867 - Enactment no. 1.
You may not necessarily have the context to fully understand what this means, but in short, and using an analogy, the British North America Act, 1867 is the seed from which all of Canada’s laws of and for the land shall sprout.
Know this - a Statute is just another word for Act, which is a piece of legislation, and makes up part of the common law.
For any Ministry, Department or Agency (Ministry) of Canada to exist, it MUST be established by, or be continued in, a Statute, which establishes “the prescribed” law, or laws, of Canada for the land of Canada. I kid you not, technically speaking, it is with Canada’s laws we the people may command the the Crown with when the Crown fails to comply and conform. Put another way, these laws create and establish the Crown causing the Crown to be directly governed by these laws thus binding the Crown to all laws of Canada, which should follow back to and stem from the British North America Act, 1867, including but not limited to, Part VI.
Ministries and Ministers of the State
If no Ministry is prescribed in law, then no Ministry may exist. No ifs, ands or buts about it!
Only upon the establishment of a Ministry in law (Statute) may an office be created. Think it through, how can any individual hold Title to an office if no actual office esists!
That’s Right! In order to possess the Deed of Title of “Minister” (Title), that Title MUST be attached to something physical, in this case, an office, which has been established within a Ministry. If no Ministry exists, in accordance to the Consitution’s provisions, by and with the provisions prescribed in law, no physcial office can exist. If no physical office can exist, than no Deed of Title of “Minister” can exist.
Only with the creation, or continuance, of a Ministry may a physical address be established. With this address established, an office may be earmarked for a Deed of its own. Best way to describe it, this earmarked office within the lawfully established Ministry, in of itself, has its own Deed of Title, or Title in short.
And what is a Title, if not but a name of a person established in and by prescribed law?
From the British North America Act, 1867, where no provision, or “Class of Subject”, exists means no Ministry can exist, which further means no office can be earmarked and “Titled” which further means there is no Title to “assume”.
And to the Posers sitting currently in “Cabinet”, there appears to be no provision, or provisions which the Parliament of Canada to create Ministries or Ministers for categories, or “Classes of Subjects” for things like “Diversity”, “Women”, “Families”. “Inclusion”, so on and so forth. Not only that, unlawfully focused on specialized interests establishes an inbalance in common law.
Make no mistake folks, this information I am giving to you is to bring about the change of the face of Canada, not to be what we “think we know” it is supposed to be, but to what it should be, in accordanc to Canada’s “blueprint”, the British North America Act, 1867.
With the Federal Cabinet in mind, here’s something which makes no sense at all! The British North America Act, 1867, provides 28 categories, or “Classes of Subjects”, with which the Parliament of Canada may “Exclusively” create laws for, and about 2, more or less, categories with which the Parliament may share legislative jurisdiction with the provinces. Keeping this in mind, why does “the Crown” currently have 44 Federal Cabinet Ministers, not including the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, President of the Treasury Board or the Leader of the government? Either the Crown is establishing Ministers without a provision for it existing in Part VI of the British North America Act, 1867 or the Crown is establishing a whole lot of redundancy, or both.
ENOUGH! I say.
Carpe Diem!
It is literally time to throw the “rulebook” at the Crown and its agents. We will be stronger, united as One, in this just cause. Together, we can restore the balance of power back to us, the people of Canada.
While you can take part in this, and following actions, from the comfort of your office, or home, it does require your effort.
In this Action, every inhabitant of Canada, regardless of age or status, every native or naturalized Canadian abroad, by right of “citizenship” too, can take part. After all, both residency and right by citizenship claim, each of us has a bonafide interest in the land we call home, Canada
While I see no perceived risk in taking these actions (after all, I am simply enforcing the rules of law), I am not a professional legal advisor. Keep this in mind. Each individual participant must decide for him or herself, and assume the risk accordingly.
To be part of this Federal Action, I ask you to either download or print each of these Notices found here, for review.
* Step 1 - Read the Notice. When doing this, it is encouraged you validate the references and, if necessary, seek legal advice.
Should you decide to move forward:
* Step 2 - Fill out the personal fields on the first and last pages, including your name, address of service, email, date.
* Step 3 - initial every page and sign the last page.
* Step 4 - Print at least 1 copy of each Notice you intend to serve. If you are doing this by letter mail, you shall need at least 4 Notices printed. You should have an original copy for yourself, a copy for the Posing Minister, a copy for the Speaker of the House and a copy to be emailed to the Hansard House, the Hansard House being the keeper of the official record for the Parliament of Canada.
* Step 5 - Keep your copy and send the other 3 copies by fax, email or letter mail to the directed parties found on each Notice. Be sure to keep evidence of “proof of service”, like a transmission report from an email or fax service or a picture of the addressed envelope or send by registered mail for letter mail service.
* Step 5.5 - The “Posers” addresses of service should be found on the first page. The address of service for the Speaker of the House and the Hansard House should be found on the last page.
* Step 6 – Either by questionnaire or by email, please let me know if you served, who you served, and, if it becomes necessary, whether or not you would be willing to join me in a Class Action – Constitutional Question / Challenge in which Criminal charges may also be pursued, should it become necessary.
It is not without sacrifice that I have devoted so much of my life in the past 2 years to learn how we, the people of Canada, can peacefully, legally and lawfully restore our power and bring back genuine balance to our justice system.
This action is a direct legal and lawful attack being aimed just below the top: aimed at the Government of Canada. It is necessary to aim here first, to expedite the success of the actions which should follow.
What will follow will be similar actions targeted at each of the Executive governments of each province, our alleged Prime Minister, our alleged Deputy Prime Minister, our alleged premieres and our alleged deputy premieres.
Following these actions, other actions shall follow to reclaim our “rulemaking” power over our legislatures by and with the dissolutionment of the political party system. Indeed, it is this “party system” which not only creates division founded on “specialized interests” within our Legislative Houses, but has allowed “the Crown’s” infiltration and manipulation of our very own rule-making Houses! The British North America Act, 1867 - Enactment no. 1 does not provide a seat in the House of Commons to the Crown, so why the HELL is the Crown’s ministers occupying so many seats in our House of Commons, except to manipulate and control the creation of laws within Canada!
Following this I intend to focus on the courts, starting with the restoration of Judges of Canada to preside over our inferior courts and tribunals to raise each of these administrative tribunals into being superior courts with inherent jurisdiction. Further, the intention is to also seek the abolishment of the Tax Court of Canada--for it too, like the inferior courts and tribunals, is constitutionally repugnant on grounds the Parliament of Canda does not have any authority to makes legislation for courts, in contravention of Rule 92(14), British North America Act, 1867. Make no mistake here, it is through these inferior “administrative” courts and tribunals the Crown’s perpetuating lifeblood to this Fraud is being committed daily by the Crown against the people of Canada, founded on unconstitutional (repugnant) statutory rules.
I pray you see the power and value within these words. I appreciate that sending so many Notices is a lot of work, but if you genuinely value freedom, is it not worth it? What else have you got to lose?
Like, subscribe and share my Substack to spread the word and not miss the action(s) to come.
Join my Telegram Group at: to engage with me directly.
For this campaign, I ask you please notify me of participation, provide constructive feedback or to share thoughts and comments to my campaign email me at:
This is my gift to Canada. Now it’s in your hands. I leave it with you to decide what to do next.
Enforcing the Rules agaist the Federal Cabinet Ministers go here.
Any information being shared is for information purposes only and is not meant to be taken as legal advice. I, and any person associated with Canadian Law Study Group recommend all information shared be validated by a certified legal practioner. Any one taking this information to use it, as they see fit, acknowledges and agrees that they do so, knowingly and willingly and further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Amanda Ridding and or any person associated with Canadian Law Study Group.