Below is an open letter which I sent to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario on the morning of December 20, 2024.
In law, elected officials are technically given a pass by the courts, in part because of an unconstitutional law established as the CANADA ACT 1982, and in part, because most, like the general public, are not aware.
HOWEVER, upon being made aware of wrong doing, no one may claim he or she was “acting in ‘good faith’” if he or she fails to either prove me wrong, change his or her course or provide resolution.
In preparation of my Quest to restore the balance of powers within Canada and have laws like Ontario’s Immunization School Pupils Act or Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act abolished by the source of their creation, the parliamentary Houses which we elect, I am making my campaign very public in hopes of getting as many other Canadians see the light I see so each in turn might join be to #BePartoftheChange.
It is high time we STOP elected representatives proxying his or her’s constituency’s vote to illegitimate leaders who have neither legal nor lawful standing in Canadian Law. Look Mom! The Premier’s, like the Prime Minister, have no clothes!
Good morning,
I invite each of you to read my public article "The Ruby Slippers".
I bring this article to your attention to make you each aware that the time for creating and establishing, or allowing, constitutionally repugnant law to exist and persist is over.
I am very publicly going to bring to both your attention and to the attention of the general public precisely what an MPPs duties are, as prescribed by the provisions set out in the British North America Act, 1867 - Enactment no. 1 and how each of you have been committing Treason every time you "proxy" your constituency's vote each and every time you follow "your" party leader(s) direction in contravention of the provisions of Canada's First Enactment -- the British North America Act, 1867 and s. 46 (2)(b), Criminal Code Canada.
While I will be expanding on this more in the coming weeks, in short, there exists in law no constitutional instrument which creates or establishes any person of Ontario, Canada to be known as "Premier" making the alleged Premier of Ontario an agent of a state other Ontario, Canada. I invite each of you to start reading the Statutes - Canada's Criimial Code and Canada's First Enactment - the BritishNorth America Act, 1867.
With a Premier who is not of Ontario, Canada being recognized and acknowledged by each of you as "Ontario'sLeader" causes each of you to be in contravention of s. 46 (2)(b), Criminal Code Canada which, to be clear, isTreason!
The Legislative Power belongs to the people and NOT to Doug Ford. It's time for the people to be given back their Legislative Power! I invite you to please reconsider your course and #BePartoftheChange.