February 1, 2023

When coming to the Constitution Act 1867 One should try and set aside preconceived notions, that may colour their perspective, and try and assume no knowledge of the Constitution or its’ purpose at all.

When coming to the Constitution Act 1867, come to it with these questions in mind.

1.     Would you agree that You, the natural person, and you, the corporate person or estate of you, are not the same persons in law?

2.     Would you agree the person you elect and the character of MPP, MLA, MP, etc are likewise not the same?

If you agree, then please, when reading law, set aside the natural person playing a character in law and keep in mind only that character or characters; separate the natural person from the character and focus only on the character and the roles and duties of that character.  To do this is to also set aside dislike, anger, fear, etc.


3.     Would you agree the Coronation Oath of 2 June 1953, taken and made by the Monarch, did forever bind the Crown?

4.     Would you agree this Oath made binds the Crown to protect the laws and customs of Canada?

5.     Would you agree this Oath made binds the Crown to apply mercy and protect Justice of Canada?

6.     Would you agree by and from this Oath, the Monarch does not gain any sovereign authority; the Monarch has no sovereign authority over We the People of Canada?

7.     Would you agree the Constitution Act 1867 Does Not create nor establish the character of Prime Minister?

8.     Would you agree no Canadian Statute exists that creates the character of Prime Minister?

9.     In absence of any creation in law of the creature known as Prime Minister, this creature in law does not exist, therefore in light of this absence would you agree the creature Prime Minister has no standing in law?

10.  In absence of both a sovereign Monarch and a Prime Minister, would you agree that “upon its face” Canada is to be a Nation which governs itself without sovereign authority?

Let that sink in…

That is just the tip of this iceberg, but as that starts to sink in, you begin to realize and comprehend why generations of Canadians were never taught Our Constitution in schools, why so much misinformation against Our Constitution is filtered into the Non-Stream Media, and from what is taught, how certain implanted notions can colour Ones’ perspective so when anyone is taught, they are indoctrinated causing the comprehension, importance and the beauty of this instrument to be lost.

The Constitution Act 1867 is Canada’s Supreme Law and by all appearances, it creates and establishes Canada as one of, if not the, freest Nations on Earth…a Nation which truly governs itself without any sovereign authority over We the People of Canada!