January 28, 2023
It would appear that Alberta may not have one court within its’ borders that could legitimately be called a court of Inherent jurisdiction.
It would appear that no judge is under Agreement with the Minister of Justice, but appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, and none swear a judicial oath, but a general public servant oath.
These oaths are Not the same.
Be mindful when you read legislation and what is and what is not Capitalized…that is typically a good indicator if the person sitting on the bench presiding over your hearing is bound Constitutionally or not. It is the constitutional binding that creates Inherent jurisdiction in Canada. (MacMillan Bloedell Ltd v Simpson, 1995 (SCC))
Flowchart to establish your rights as a “natural person”
👉Constitution Act 1867 creates the governments of Canada
Part V, Constitution Act 1867 creates the House of the legislative assembly of the People of the province in right of the People of the province.
Law is to be created to let us know what we should not do so we do not trespass on others rights.
Part VI, Section 92 (8), Constitution Act 1867 creates the “Class of Subject” of Municipal Institutions which the provinces can establish legislation for
Department of Municipal Affairs Act 1986 creates the “Department of Municipal Affairs” and the “member of the Executive Council”
(NOTE: See an issue with this?)
Municipal Government Act 2000 creates the roles and responsibilities of the municipality
Section 4, Municipal Government Act 2000 “A municipality is a corporation”. Which establishes one body (root word - corpus)
🫵 You (capital Y) are Part (capital P) of that body (municipality). Capital, because you are Sovereign.
Section 6, Municipal Government Act 2000 “A municipality has natural person powers […]”
🫵 You (capital Y) as Part (capital P) of that body (municipality) have natural person powers..
Capital, because you are Sovereign and any other “Act” would include the Canadian Bill of Rights, 1960
Argument to establish your rights as a
“natural person”
🫵 (You) are a Part of the municipality, under Section 4, Municipal Government Act (Alberta); and
as a Part of the municipality, it would appear You have natural person powers..
AND this is an Act of Legislation Subject to the Constitution Act 1867...
[First Draft]
The Constitution Act 1867 is the Supreme Law of Canada, which lends the appearance that All law of Canada is Subject to it causing the Canadian Bill of Rights 1960 to apply to all Law of Canada.
1. NOTED: Would you agree the Constitution Act 1867 is the Supreme Law of Canada?
2. NOTED: Would you agree the Constitution Act 1867 provides for the creations of all governments of Canada?
3. NOTED: Would you agree government are created and established, in part, of the People, by the People and for (to serve) the People?
4. NOTED: Would you agrees all government of Canada so created and established, creates and establishes a general federal jurisdiction over every body it creates and establishes in and under its authority? (Think state and state agents)
5. Would you agree the Legislative Assembly of Alberta is created and established in and under the provisions of the Constitution Act 1867?
6. Would you agree, acting under this federal general jurisdiction, as noted, the Legislative Assembly of Alberta created and established the “Department of Municipal Affairs” and the character who presides, the “member of the Executive Council” with the Department of Municipal Affairs Act 1986 (Alberta)?
7. Would you agree acting under this federal general jurisdiction, as noted, the Legislative Assembly of Alberta created and established the Department of Municipal Affairs Act 1986 (Alberta) under the Department of Municipal Affairs with the member of the Executive Council?
8. Would you agree under this federal general jurisdiction, as noted, inhabitants of a municipality are a Part of the municipality, Subject to Section 4, Municipal Government Act (2000)?
9. Would you agree under this federal general jurisdiction, as noted, any Part of the municipality (individual inhabitants) have natural person powers, Subject to Section 6, Municipal Government Act (2000)?
10. Would you further agree, as seen above, that all law of Canada is, or should be, created and established in and or under the authority of the Constitution Act 1867?
11. Would you further agree "the Constitution of Canada” (Constitution Act 1867) “is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect, Subject to Section 52 (1), Constitution Act 1982?
12. Would you further agree, as noted, all law of Canada is and remains in and under federal general jurisdiction and any law of Canada that is inconsistent with the Constitution Act 1867, is to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect and Subject to the Canadian Bill of Rights 1960?
Disclaimer: Not to be construed or applied as legal advice.