February 2, 2023
Over time the commonwealth system of Justice has indeed evolved.
Once an authoritative Monarchy, We the People of Canada have a Constitution, or Agreement, which establishes how legislation is to be created and judged, creating two sides of a scale.
So long as the parties of the Agreement remain part of that Agreement, this Agreement remains enforceable by any one of the parties to this Agreement.
Should any one party wish to make a change to this Agreement, that change must be made by an Amendment which All parties to this Agreement must first agree to in order to make that change to this Agreement.
With acts of complacency and blind trust, We the People failed to develop at least a basic understanding of law; a basic understanding which would allow us to ask the right questions in order to determine how to fix these issues, not just identify them. It may be presumed the majority of the People’s representatives are equally ignorant of law.
It is, in part, through this ignorance that foreign bodies using “party” politics get rules and or Statutes introduced that are inconsistent with the Supreme Agreement, because getting an Amendment to the Agreement would not be possible, as it would bring to attention the very Agreement these foreign influencers are trying to circumvent.
The issue, tacit acceptance! Because we are ignorant of how law works, most of the People do not know how to do more than acknowledge when things are not right.
When on the defence, this defect can be brought forward in the court, however bringing this defect forward in the court by a defendant, may only benefit the defending party before the court, in part because he is only on the court side of Justice and acting as a defendant, and the decision and subsequent order is limited to the parties before the court.
It needs to be understood courts don't make laws. On the court side, the matter is limited to the parties before the court and courts only issue decisions and orders. Decisions benefit or burden the parties before the court. Want to order the legislatures to fix the law, you need to be the claimant. We the People need to go on the offence.
To fix the law, it stands to reason you need to pursue those who make law in order to get them to Cure the Defects in those laws.
Because laws affect everybody, should a defect occur in legislation which causes an excess of defective claims in the court and or loss of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, this defect in the legislation needs to be exposed, the issue brought forward to the legislators in the legislatures and if the legislatures fail to cure this defect, this issue of defect and how it is inconsistent would need to be brought forward to a court in pursuit of an order, ordering the legislatures to cure this defect.
In other words, first go on the offence in the legislature. If your elected representative is not doing their job of protecting your interests, why not circumvent them and represent yourself in the House of the legislative assembly? As One of the People, it is your House, why not represent yourself in your House? That is after all common law.
Should the House fail to cure, you may decide to go on the offence in the courts to seek an order to order the House of the legislative assembly to cure the defect.
The Notice of Opportunity to Cure Defect is the first argument which has been submitted to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. It is an offensive action. If the Legislature fails to Cure the Defect, the Claimant may choose to seek a court order, ordering the House of the legislative assembly to Cure the Defect.
I am bringing forward the Constitution Act 1867 in order to expose the defects of legislation that have been planted by infiltrators intent on enslaving Canadians by these infiltrators. To be effective, I need others to go on the offence with me.
I believe We the People would all agree if we don't dig deep to correct the foundation of Our Justice system here on earth, all is lost. We need to force the correction of Our legislation in order to restore and preserve Our Freedom.
The Constitution Act 1867 establishes a Justice System for a Nation, and any act by any one causing this Nation to be incorporated may be void or voidable, but first we must get back our hijacked Justice System in order to start voiding all these unjust contracts made by some of the People's representatives.